Monday, July 5, 2010

Best of the Week

My best of the week was that my internet was broken all day Sunday which meant that instead of posting I spent my Sunday lounging in unseasonably temperate weather with my nephews, getting worked at Boggle (This frustrates me to no end. I should be great at word games, I always think, and am not), and otherwise enjoying my independence.

Also Saturday was a great day and night (talk to me about long wandery conversations some time) (and matches) (and fireworks). Also I spent more time walking on Thursday than I did sitting, and more time outside than in and more times with friends (and long wandery conversation) than not.

Also The Last Airbender? I think it was all on purpose--the bad acting and wooden dialogue etc, I closed my eyes I would've thought it was anime. Mr. Shyamalan did try and overstuff the plot, but--and it was beautiful and for kids and I really liked it.

Today, alas, fits into next week's best. So. You'll have to wait.

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